Friday, March 28, 2008

Japnese Kanji :SAKURA

It is a season when cherry blossoms bloom in Japan. It is very beautiful though it is not full-bloomed yet. The row of cherry blossoms is in Japanese nationwide various places, and people are enjoying the beauty.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Japanese kanji ”Sakura"

In Japan, it became a season when cherry blossoms bloomed. "桜" is read as Sakura. It will become full-bloomed next week though it is still a bud.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

sotugyousiki (Graduation ceremony)

It is a season of the graduation ceremony in Japan. Because the school in Japan ends unlike Europe and America in March, now becomes the season of the graduation ceremony. My child also graduated from the high school today. It becomes a university student in April.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

hinamaturi in Japan

Hinaningyou is decorated in a lot of houses where the girl attendant exists in Japan at Hinamatsuri on March 3. Hinaningyou has expressed feelings of parents who wish to grow up healthily. This Hinaningyou was bought 23 years ago. It was about 2000 dollars.